Character Table

Find unicode characters by code, category or name. Make a list of your favorites and copy characters to other apps. Free, no ads, no unnecessary permissions required.

available in English and German

requires Windows Phone 7.5, 8 or 8.1


What is Unicode?

Unicode is an international standard for consistent representation of characters and text elements writing cultures are using.

A number is assigned to each character of this universal set. Most of modern computer systems are using unicode encoded either with UTF-8 or UTF-16 (and sometimes UTF-32).

What about other character sets?

Unicode contains all 128 ASCII characters (and UTF-8 actually is compatible to ASCII) and characters of many other character sets (like Latin-1).

However this app doesn't give any information about other character sets (except ASCII which trivially is included).

Why do some characters appear as rectangles?

Characters are rendered by the operating system, not by this application. On modern systems most unicode characters are available, but especially more exotic ones might be missing (depending on the OS version). For characters not available on this system a rectangle is shown instead.

How are similar characters found?

Currently similar characters are only assigned by their name, not by their look.

version history

Character Table allows you to change the additional information shown for each character tile and hide the predefined favorites.

30 Jul 2014

Character Table is available in the Windows Phone Store.

22 Jul 2014